

Crunchyroll’s Simulcast Lineups In Autumn 2010

According to Anime Newtype Channel, Sora no Otoshimono: Forte will be streamed on Crunchyroll. Areas: North and South America, UK, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Portugal, Sweden, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine, UAE Other Crunchyroll’s autumn lineups: Tegami Bachi Reverse Kami nomi…

Production I.G & Masaaki Yuasa Raise Funds for Kick-Heart Short Film

Production I.G and director Masaaki Yuasa recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for an original animated short film titled Kick-Heart. The campaign seeks to raise $150,000 by October 31st. Staff Director, Animator: Masaaki Yuasa Project Consultant: Mamoru Oshii Character Designer, Animator:…

Updates of Director Umetsu Yasuomi’s Kiss and Cry Project

According to the official blog, anime director Umetsu Yasuomi updated the information about his original anime movie project “Kiss and Cry”. He has been working on this project for ten years and still been negotiating with potential sponsors. He posted…

OVA of Joshiraku Announced

According to Neowing Online Shop, an OVA of Joshiraku was announced to be released in February 2013. It will be bundled with the fifth volume of the original manga. Source: Neowing Joshiraku OVA on MAL

TV Anime of Four-Panel Manga ‘Yuyushiki’ Announced

According to Manga Time Kirara magazine, four-panel manga “Yuyushiki” was announced to get a TV anime adaptation. Yuyushiki manga official website Yuyushiki is a slice-of-life about three high school girls who belong to a PC club. Source: Scan of Kirara…

Japan’s Weekly Manga Ranking for Aug 16 – 22

Here is the weekly manga sales ranking for August 16th – 22nd. *1, 330,262 *,330,262 Detective Conan vol.69 *2, 319,545 *,319,545 Fairy Tail vol.22 *3, 237,251 1,018,717 Fullmetal Alchemist vol.26 *4, 198,673 *,198,673 Hayate The Combat Butler! vol.25 *5, 172,299…

Japan’s Weekly CD & DVD Rankings for Sep 12 – 18

Here are the weekly DVD & CD rankings for September 12th – 18th. Single CD *5, 19,478 19,478 Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai novel “nexus” by ClariS 11, *8,404 *8,404 Kotobuki Minako “Dear my…” 14, *7,380…

Hollywood’s Astro Boy Movie Faces a Shortage of Funds reported that IMAGI Animation Studio, the producer of 3D CGI movie “Astro Boy”, is financially in trouble. The auditor of IMAGI said the company had bank and cash balances of HK$88.9 million ($11.5 million) on September 30th, 2008 but…

Manga K-ON! To End In September

According to Manga Time Kirara September issue, manga K-ON! will end in the next issue to be released on September 9th. The fourth volume of the tankobon will be released on September 27th. Source: Scan of Manga Time Kirara Story…