

Short Anime Weiss Survive Announced

Fujima, Takuya’s trading card game manga “Weiß Survive” was announced to get a TV anime adaptation. It’s a 2.5 min x 16 episode series and will be aired in an idol program “Card Gakuen” from June 5th. Key illustration of…

Makoto Shinkai to Appear at Otakon 2011

According to their website, Otakon has announced that award winning director, animator, and voice actor Makoto Shinkai will appear as a guest at this year’s convention. Otakon is the second largest anime convention in North America second only to Anime…

OVAs of Sankarea Announced

According to Kodansha, two OVAs of Sankarea were announced to be bundled with the six and seventh volumes of the comic books. The first and second volumes will be released on June 8th and November 9th. The story of the…

Aniplex of America Acquires Bakemonogatari

Aniplex of America announced at their panel at Sakura-Con that they will release Bakemonogatari in North America. No release details were given. The first episode will be screened at Sakura-Con this Saturday. Source: ANN