

Toradora! To Be Animated

A retail promotional ad for April books from ASCII MediaWorks’ Dengeki Bunko imprint announced that the Toradora! will be animated. Toradora! is a series of light novels by Yuyuko Takemiya. The story is about two students who are shunned by…

Station Cites Principal’s Arrest for Pulling Nymphet

The TV Saitama station in Japan has explained in a statement on October 11 that it suspended its broadcast of the controversial Kodomo no Jikan (Nymphet) television anime series “out of consideration for the community in light of the [alleged]…

Mai-Otome gets a prequel OVA

Seeing how the Mai-HiME/Mai-Otome series has a pretty good fanbase, the animation production company Sunrise has announced that an OVA prequel to Mai-Otome is in production. The title of this new production is Mai-Otome 0~S and the character designer for…

Autumn 2012 Simulcast List

Crunchyroll Hiiro no Kakera Dai Ni Shou (Hiiro no Kakera Season 2) Territories: United States, South America, Central America, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Netherlands. Streaming Dates: Sundays at 11:00am starting September 30.…

Two Studio Ghibli Movies Due in Summer 2013

According to Cinema Today, Studio Ghibli has announced two new movies which will be premiered in the summer of 2013 simultaneously. One is “Kaze Tachinu” directed and written by Miyazaki Hayao, and the other is “Kaguya-hime no Monogatari” directed and…

P.A. Works To Produce a Local Government-funded Anime

According to Yomiuri news, Toyama prefectural government announced an original anime “Mai no Mahou to Katei no Hi” (Mai’s Magic and Family Day) produced by P.A. Works. The 30min long anime will be aired on TV next Feburary and be…