

Japan’s Weekly DVD & CD Rankings for Aug 8 – 14

Here are the weekly DVD & CD rankings for August 8th – 14th. DVD *1, 4,756 *,*16,891 Hakuouki Sekkaroku *2, 3,915 *,244,164 Karigurashi no Arrietty *3, 1,984 1,089,823 My Neighbor Totoro **, 1,232 *,**6,870 (K-ON!! Live Event ~ Come with…

Controversy over Manga of Hitler’s Mein Kampf

Japanese publisher East Press released a manga edition of Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” last November. It’s a part of a series “Manga de Doppa”, which publishes classical literatures such as Goethe’s Faust and Dante’s La Divina Commedia, as manga books.…

Toei’s New Anime Movie Niji iro Hotaru

Toei Animation’s new anime movie “Niji iro Hotaru ~Eien no Natsuyasumi~ (translation: Rainbow-colored Firefly ~Never Ending Summer Vacation~)” was announced at Tokyo International Anime Fair 2009. The release data was not given. Picture of the poster at TAF2009 “Niji iro…

Second Season of Chihayafuru to be Launched

The commencement of the animation project for the second season of Chihayafuru was announced by the wraparound jacket band on volume 17 of the manga series. Source: Image of Volume 17 Chihayafuru 2 on MAL

Fate/zero to be Simulcasted Worldwide in 8 Languages

According to Aniplex of America, Fate/zero will be simulcasted on Niconico subtitled in eight languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Korean). The streaming will begin Oct. 1st following the Japan TV airing and each episode will…

Japan’s Weekly Manga Rankings for March 4th – 10th

The weekly manga and light novels rankings for March 5th – 11th Rank / This week’s sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles Manga *1, 1,842,220 2,247,140 One Piece Vol.69 *2, *,429,693 *,432,196 Bleach Vol.58 *3, *,327,856 *,377,478 Ansatsu…