New Anime Annoucements (To-Love-Ru, Magician’s Academy, Golgo 13)

To-Love-Ru – Trouble-

The promotional sleeve wrappers on upcoming manga volumes from the Japanese publisher Shueisha have revealed that Saki Hasemi and Kentaro Yabuki’s To Love-Ru -Trouble- manga will be animated for television next spring. The manga has been running in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine since last year, and a drama CD adaptation had been previously announced for February 29. Hasemi supervised the scripts for the Moetan and Pinky:st anime projects, and Yabuki created the Black Cat manga and television anime.


Magician’s Academy

The official website for The Magician’s Academy light novel series has opened, and its first piece of news is an announcement that an anime project is in the works for 2008. Ichiro Sakaki wrote The Magician’s Academy light novels, and three of his previous light novels series (Scrapped Princess, Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica, Strait Jacket) have been adapted into anime. The character designs of the anime will be based on the light novels’ illustrations by the artist Blade.


Golgo 13

The official website of Shogakukan’s Big Comic magazine has posted the cover image of its January 10 issue (on sale December 25) which indicates that Takao Saito’s Golgo 13 assassin manga will be adapted for television anime. An interior page reveals that the anime project will start next spring in Japan.



I’m sure everyone already knows about To-Love-Ru, but may as well shove a formal announcement here. And with that, we have another adaptation of a novel series by the Scrapped Princess author and an anime version for the rather famed manga Golgo 13 (which has currently 147 volumes). Two of these are airing in Spring 2008, that is one busy season. Right, I compiled all the news together since I thought it would be news topic spamming to make three separate threads.

Click on FULL ARTICLE for the synopsis of the shows / original material.

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