Japan’s Weekly Manga Ranking For Jul 20 – 26

Here is the weekly manga sales ranking top 30 for July 20th – 26th.

*1, 194,146 194,146 Moyashimon vol.8
*2, 112,193 272,301 Hayate The Combat Butler! vol.20
*3, 102,200 208,449 Cross Game vol.15
*4, *93,159 194,639 Fairy Tail vol.16
*5, *88,092 *88,092 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya vol.9
*6, *84,448 *84,448 Giant Killing vol.11
*7, *83,430 *83,430 Saki vol.6
*8, *76,794 *76,794 Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuutsu vol.3
*9, *74,711* 74,711 Ah! My Goddess vol.39
10, *63,039 *63,039 Otomen vol.8

11, *60,562 *60,562 Keroro Gunsou vol.19
12, *59,876 105,687 Pride vol.11
13, *57,639 115,556 Gakuen Alice vol.19
14, *55,670 131,629 History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi vol.34
15, *50,435 130,247 Azumanga Daioh: New Edition vol.2
16, *46,672 117,763 Zettai Karen Children vol.17
17, *46,348 *46,348 Saiyuki Gaiden vol.4
18, *45,991 *45,991 Initial D vol.39
19, *44,847 *44,847 Kiyoku Yawaku vol.10
20, *41,839 *87,051 Ocha ni Gosu. vol.9

21, *39,393 *39,393 Aozora Yell vol.3
22, *37,045 *37,045 Shikabane Hime vol.11
23, *33,802 *33,802 Hyougemono vol.9
24, *33,269 *90,106 The World God Only Knows vol.5
25, *32,385 *72,488 Gekkou Jourei vol.5
26, *31,978 *31,978 Moyashimon vol.8 Special Edition
27, *31,302 *85,553 Good Morning Kiss vol.4
28, *30,084 *30,084 Cooking Papa vol.105
29, *29,137 485,875 Katekyo Hitman Reborn! vol.25
30, *28,462 412,709 Gintama vol.29

The last week’s ranking: Japan’s Weekly Manga Ranking For Jul 13 – 19
Source: Oricon Comic Ranking

Additional news:
Ishikawa Masayuki apologized in his blog that the special edition of Moyashimon volume 8 was quickly sold out and so many fans couldn’t obtain the volume. He said that Kondansha underestimated the popularity of the edition and printed only 35,000 copies. It’s impossible to print the extra picture book again but he promised to do something about the issue by the newly announced picture book series “Ehon Moyashimon”.

Source: Ishikawa’s blog

Kitoh Mohiro’s new series “Noririn” was announced to start this winter in Monthly Evening magazine. It’s about bicycle race.

Source: Natalie

Weekly Light Novel Ranking for Jul 20 – 26
*1, 31,565 *55,739 Seitokai no Ichizon vol.6
*2, 14,361 *28,754 Kuromajo-san ga Toru! vol.11
*3, 14,110 *14,110 Kampfer vol.10
*4, 10,836 *10,836 MM! vol.8
*5, 10,439 *17,491 Itsuka Tenmma no Kuro Usagi vol.4
*6, 10,113 151,404 Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Kakushidama vol.3
*7, *9,639 109,995 Toaru Majutsu no Index vol.18
*8, *9,521 **9,521 The Sword Queen and The Branded Child vol.2
*9, *9,186 **9,186 Campione! vol.4

Source: Oricon Novel Ranking

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