Yoshimizu Kagami’s Birthplace Turned Into Konata’s Room

Satte city commerce association borrowed the house Yoshimizu Kagami (the author of “Lucky ☆ Star”) was born and opened it to the public as an anime museum from March 28th. The study of Yoshimizu was remodeled into Izumi Konata’s room.
Picture of the room
The original illustrations and the autograph documents of Yoshimizu will be displayed in the gallery.

Washinomiya Shrine, the model of Hiiragi sisters’ shrine, got popular and the number of the visitors in 2009 increased fivefold compared to that in 2007. The economic effect brought to Washinomiya town was estimated to be 100 million yen (approx. $1 million). People in Satte are hoping that Lucky Star will revive the declined industry of the city.

Source: Asahi.com
Source: Nikkei

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