At Otakon session on July 19th, anime director Yamamoto Yutaka (the series organizer of “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” and the director of “Kannagi”) answered questions regarding “Endless Eight” arc of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 2.
Former Kyo-Ani Director Yamamoto puts the Haruhi Season 2 Endless Eight Arc in his own words (Youtube)
He said he knew the repetitive direction of the arc more than one year ago and he was against the idea. He apologized to the fans on behalf of the Haruhi production committee because he left Kyoto Animation on his own will.
Related topic: Director Yamamoto Yutaka Produces a Short Anime of Tonari no 801-chan
Please watch the video for his complete comments.
Yamamoto apologized in his blog that his remark at Otakon “on behalf of SOS-dan production committee” was misleading and corrected the expression into “as a former member of SOS-dan”.
Source: Yamamoto’s blog
Note: “SOS-dan” here is the name of the production committee of Haruhi 1.
Updated 2
Kyoto Animation replied to J-Cast’s question that Yamamoto Yutaka has nothing to do with the company at all.
Source: J-Cast