Gintama Album CD with All the OP and ED Songs

An album CD of “Gintama” will be released on March 25th. The title is “Gintama BEST” and all the OP and ED songs up to July 2008 are included. The bundled extra DVD has all the OP and ED animations without the credit.

1. “Pray” by Tommy heavenly6
2. “Tooi Nioi” by YO-KING
3. “Gin-iro no Sora” by redballoon
4. “Kasanaru Kage” by Hearts Grow
5. “Donten” by DOES
6. Fuusen Gum by Captain Stridum
7. “MR.RAINDROP” by amplified
8. “Yuki no Tsubasa” by redballoon
9. “Candy Line” by Hitomi Takahashi
10. “Shura” by DOES
11. “Kiseki” by Snorkel
13. “Speed of Flow” by The Rodeo Carburettor
14. “Sanagi” by POSSIBILITY
15. “This World is yours” by Pringmin

Source: Presepe

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