[Update, Nov. 18] DMP Starts a Bring Back Osamu Tezuka’s “Swallowing the Earth” Kickstarter

According to their website, manga publisher DMP has started a campaign via Kickstarter in order to be able to reprint Osamu Tezuka’s “Swallowing the Earth”.

Over two years ago, DMP sold “Swallowing the Earth” as a large omnibus. However, it had a small print run and has been in high demand by fans ever since. DMP wishes to print the book again but cannot afford a new print run. They have turned to the fundraising site Kickstarter to get the book back out to fans.

With Kickstarter, users pledge money to the campaign over a 30 day period. If the goal is met by the end of the 30 days, then the project is funded. By pledging different amounts, users can gain different rewards. Awards include a copy of the book when it’s printed or even a package that not only includes the book, but many other manga titles as well.

DMP stated that if the campaign is successful, they will be looking to reprint other titles, or even bring new titles this way in the future.

DMP said:
We’re here because we believe Kickstarter can be a new way to fund niche manga titles in the United States. If this campaign is successful, you WILL see more, including premium editions of other older books and even new titles that would NEVER make it over to the U.S. without fan support.

DMP’s Kickstarter page

Source: DMP

[Update, Nov. 18]
On Thursday, November 17th 2011, DMP’s Bring Back Osamu Tezuka’s “Swallowing the Earth” met its goal of raising $3,950 dollars. The project was started with a goal to reprint Tezuka’s long out-of-print and in-demand volume of “Swallowing the Earth.” The project still has over 20 days to go and people can still pledge money towards the project. DMP stated the more money they get the more volumes they will print. People who pledge $30 dollars or more will receive a copy of the book.

Source: Kickstarter

Story by Brand

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