Theatrical Release of Doujin Anime Kowarekake no Orgel

According to the official website, a movie of doujin anime “Kowarekake no Orgel” was announced to be premiered on September 11th. Kowarekake no Orgel was originally released in 2009 at Comiket 77. The movie is the extended edition (34 min) of the original version plus an extra episode (7.5 min).

Kowarekake no Orgel PV (Youtube)

Director: Kawaguchi Keiichiro
Scenario: Inotsume Shinichi (“Hayate the Combat Butler!”, “Zettai Karen Children”)
Original Character Design: POP
Character Design: Nishio Kouhaku (“Moetan”, “To Heart 2”)
Production Studio: Actas

Flower: Asano Masumi
Keiichiro: Kakihara Tetsuya
Hoko: Nakao Eri
Shuhei: Asanuma Shintaro

In 2039, helper androids are widespread as general purpose electronics. Keiichiro lost his family in a traffic accident and retired from a band musician. One day, he finds an old model android in a garbage dump. He took her home and named her “Flower”. It’s about summer days of a memoryless android and a dreamless boy.

Source: Kowarekake no Orgel

Kowarekake no Orgel (Movie) on MAL

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