Anime & Manga releases in North America, March 27th – April 2nd

Anime Releases:
Durarara!! Part 2
Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance Blu-ray & DVD
Guin Saga Collection 1 DVD Set
Linebarrels of Iron Season One & Two Box Set
Loveless Vocal Collection Lite Box
Sergeant Frog Season One Box Set
Working!! Complete DVD Box Set Premium Edition

Manga Releases:
Bamboo Blade GN* 8
Black God GN 12
Bunny Drop GN 3
Inukami! Omnibus Collection 2
K-ON! GN 2
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya GN 8
Nabari no Ou GN 6
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Campus Apocolypse GN 3
Treasure GN 2
Toradora! GN 1

All of the titles listed above were released on March 29th with the exception of Neon Genesis Evangelion & Treasure! which were released on March 30th and Inukami! & Toradora! which will be released on March 31st.

*GN = Graphic Novel

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