Funimation and VIZ Media Provide Free Anime Via Hulu

A major US video streaming service Hulu ( opened a free Japanese anime channel on September 23rd. Funimation, VIZ media and GONG are providing their licensed titles. Three series “NARUTO”, “DEATH NOTE” and “Mushihi” are already available. Hulu is going to provide “Ikkitousen”, “BLEACH”, “Basilisk”, “BLACK BLOOD BROTHERS”, “Kiddy Grade”, “Tsukuyomi -MOON PHASE-“. “Peach Girl” and “School Rumble” for free. These anime are only available to US users.

Crunchyroll has been vigorously encouraging anime distributors to provide free anime, but Funimation and VIZ Media oppose to Crunchyroll’s business model, which allows the illegal user-uploaded materials. Their deal with Hulu may have an intention to restrain Crunchyroll.

Source: Anime! Anime!

VIZ Media announced that they will provide “NARUTO”, “DEATH NOTE”, and “BLEACH” on a P2P video streaming service JOOST ( The animations will be the original version aired in Japan, not the edited ones for the TV airing in US.
JOOST official blog says they keep on collecting anime, and aim to become the largest legal “original version” anime sharing web site.

Source: Anime! Anime!

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