Director Mizushima Tsutomu Replies to Criticism to Blood-C

Director Mizushima Tsutomu replied to critical comments from fans regarding the direction of Blood-C.

Question: Did you put an emphasis on the brutal scenes?
Mizushima: No, I didn’t. I regret that such scenes appeared to be emphasized due to the censorship by the TV companies.

Question: The bleeding blood is spouting like tap water. Did you directed in that way because this is “Blood” series?
Mizushima: I know it’s exaggerated too much, but I made the bleeding scenes unreal not to make the audience feel unpleasant. Being a “Blood” series is unrelated to the direction.

Question: I heard you intentionally direct the anime in a way to show it incongruous, but I think excessive unnaturalness will end up spoiling the anime and the audience will be bored. What do you think?
Mizushima: If you think Blood-C is boring, I feel really sorry for that. However, I’ll keep on believing in my policy of direction since I don’t know how to control the impression of the audience. Please don’t take that I won’t listen to the opinions from fans. Of course, I respect the reactions of the audience, but please let me sort out among them.

Source: Mizushima’s blog

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