According to Oricon new, Suzumiya Haruhi will be featured in a TV commercial clip of Lotte’s new chewing gum “ACUO”. The characters of Haruhi anime will costar with a popular idol Ikuta Tohma. The ad will be aired from April 5th nationwidely in Japan.
Screenshots of the TV ad
15 sec version of the TV ad (Youtube) *may be removed soon
Story of the TV ad
A man chewing ACUO visits a boutique. He turns a shopgirl there into Mikuru by his “cool” breath. The manager complains to the man that “How come you changed her into anime!?”. He apologizes to the manager but his breath turns the manager into Haruhi. He runs out of the shop in a furry and turns an alley cat into Yuki.
Sources: Oricon, Haruhi official website