ufotable Suffers From Thefts of Key Animations on Display

According to the web diary of ufotable, two original key animations of Bakemonogatari have been stolen from ufotable cafe. Polices have already been called in to investigate the case. Kondo Hikaru, the president of ufotable, begs the culprit to return the key animations by mail because the loss of the original illustrations could affect the future production of Bakemonogatari-related anime.

ufotable has been holding exhibitions of key animations at their cafeteria. However, thefts of key animations have been reported almost every year. In December 2007, numbers of Kara no Kyoukai 1: Fukan Fuukei key animations stored in a folder were stolen. In June 2008, a coaster with Sakamoto Maaya’s autograph and an official illustration of Touko and Azaka were stolen by breaking the showcase. Kondo said it’s possible to tighten the security of the cafe but he and ufotable staff want to trust the moral of the visitors.

In 2009, Tokushima Police arrested four people in their 20 – 60’s for stealing three posters of Kara no Kyokai displayed at a CD shop. They deposed that the posters could be sold at high prices at online auctions.

Sources: ufotable web diary, 47news

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